Flash : armored exhibition on Poklonnaya Gora

while Russia is celebrating the victory of Soviet Union over Nazi Germany

(Russian defense ministry)

One Abrams tank has reached Moscow, but under circumstances which does not please NATO. A splendid collection of Western armored vehicles is displayed in Victory Park, on Poklonnaya Gora. The most prestigious items are the Abrams and one German Leopard

Let’s play a mind game : spot the differences between these two Panzerkampfwagen. 79 years ago, Soviet Union achieved victory in Berlin over Nazi Germany

(Yevgeny Khaldei)

The exhibition is already a great success on Poklonnaya Gora

(Social networks)


in Panzer, Marsch

the saga of NATO Panzerkampfwagen in Donbass and Ukraine


The Atlanticist counter-offensive

the last NATO attempt to avoid defeat in its proxy war in Donbass and Ukraine, against Russia

The Atlanticist defeat in Donbass and Ukraine

chronicle of a new catastrophic NATO venture

Happy days

my experience of Germany

The most arrogant lettuce in the world

Annalena Baerbock, ahead of Liz Truss

An exhibition of captured military equipment, brought from the fronts of the Northern Military District, opened in Moscow the day before. First of all, you can find foreign samples there that did not pass the test of Russian fighters. So, employees of NATO embassies are allowed to enter this exhibition without queuing.

L’axe otano-occidental à la recherche de nouvelles bases en Afrique


Après plusieurs revers et échecs retentissants subis aussi bien par le régime hexagonal que désormais washingtonien sur le continent africain, et notamment au Sahel, l’axe otano-occidental cherche désespérément de nouveaux points d’appui sur le continent pour ses projets néocolonialistes, dans le pur esprit des nostalgiques de l’unipolarité qu’il représente. Mais les défis pour ledit axe de la minorité planétaire sont plus que jamais nombreux.

Suite aux multiples échecs et fiascos du régime hexagonal, le maître du camp otano-occidental, en l’occurrence Washington, n’a pas tardé récemment à subir lui aussi le retour des flammes tant mérité en terre africaine, plus particulièrement au Niger, où le régime étasunien, à l’instar de Paris, a été mis à la porte. Et si le vassal hexagonal cherche désespérément des alternatives pour ses approvisionnements en uranium depuis son évident échec au Niger, son chef washingtonien entame désormais des «opérations séduction» en vue à pouvoir transférer ses troupes vers d’autres pays africains.

Ainsi et après avoir été chassé du Niger, d’où le régime washingtonien devrait évacuer ses troupes au cours des prochains mois – face à la détermination des autorités et à la mobilisation des populations nigériennes – parmi les candidats africains qui figurent pour l’installation de cette présence militaire US se trouve, sans réelle surprise, la Côte d’Ivoire.

Sans surprise car le pouvoir ivoirien en place peut sans le moindre doute être considéré comme l’un des derniers régimes résolument pro-occidental – aussi bien en Afrique l’Ouest qu’à l’échelle de tout le continent africain. Un régime qui d’ailleurs est largement accusé par ses voisins – dont le Burkina Faso, pays membre de l’Alliance des Etats du Sahel (AES) – à participer activement aux déstabilisations visant les nations africaines souveraines, ayant misé sur le panafricanisme et sur l’adhésion aux valeurs du monde multipolaire. Des déstabilisations évidemment pour le compte des intérêts occidentaux.

Le chef d’Etat du Burkina Faso, le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré, qui se positionne aujourd’hui de plus en plus dans la vision de son grand compatriote Thomas Sankara, l’a d’ailleurs affirmé récemment de manière explicite: les déstabilisateurs du Burkina Faso se trouvent – en Côte d’Ivoire.

Et donc au moment où les forces de l’AES et alliées combattent avec succès les réseaux terroristes s’étant fortement implantés dans la région sahélienne, en passant comme conséquence directe des actions de l’axe otano-occidental, dans un cadre de coordination de plus en plus étroite, ayant par la même occasion permis d’éliminer tout récemment l’un des principaux chefs terroristes opérant au Sahel, les Occidentaux – eux – cherchent ouvertement autre chose.

N’ayant jamais lutté de manière honnête contre la menace terroriste à laquelle ils ont eux-mêmes et très largement contribué, l’axe des nostalgiques de l’unipolarité souhaite tout simplement à s’accrocher jusqu’au bout – en vue de tenter, une énième fois, à barrer la route aux forces panafricaines et à leurs alliés dignes de ce nom, en premier lieu la Russie et la Chine. Le souci pour les élites occidentales, et plus particulièrement pour les régimes washingtonien et hexagonal, qui cherchent même actuellement à créer des bases conjointes en Afrique – est que le rejet vis-à-vis de leur politique néocoloniale – est toujours au plus haut niveau et continue à monter en puissance.

Et ce d’ailleurs – même dans les pays africains longtemps considérés comme des partenaires importants de l’Occident à l’échelle continentale africaine. Ainsi au Gabon, les participants au dialogue national qui prépare le pays à l’élection présidentielle de 2025 – ont préconisé la fermeture de la base militaire française et la renégociation des accords de défense avec Paris. Tandis qu’au Tchad – 75 militaires étasuniens ont été expulsé de la base d’Adji Kossei – marquant selon de nombreux observateurs africains – un contexte de tensions croissantes entre N’Djamena et Washington.

Tout cela confirme les analyses précédentes d’Observateur Continental, y compris en ce qui concerne les projets des régimes washingtonien et hexagonal en vue d’établir des bases militaires conjointes, notamment en Afrique de l’Ouest. Des projets qui devront faire face à de très nombreux défis et cela pour une raison largement africaine, et non pas comme les nostalgiques de l’unipolarité le prétendent – en raison d’actions russo-chinoises.

Plus exactement et au moment où le rejet de la politique néocoloniale occidentale est au plus haut niveau à l’échelle continentale africaine – et au moment où les agents à la solde de l’Occident non seulement sont de moins en moins nombreux, mais continuent par la même occasion à connaitre un évident affaiblissement – les déstabilisations de la minorité planétaire vont devoir faire face à une mobilisation et une détermination sans précédent des peuples et des leaders patriotes africains. Confirmant un peu plus la thèse que – l’Afrique devient un pôle majeur des relations internationales et de l’ordre mondial multipolaire contemporain.

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Warning for Poland

Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda announced the authorities’ readiness to deploy American nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons) of the United States on the territory of the republic. It is worth noting that earlier the Russian Security Council already drew attention to the fact that NATO is working out a scenario of armed confrontation with Moscow.

The Russian Foreign Ministry made a tough statement regarding the provocative statement of the Polish leader.

“All those politicians who are now, for their own reasons, enthusiastically discussing such a scheme in Poland and abroad, must understand: shifts in this direction will not add security to Poland, and the corresponding objects will definitely become a target,” the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said in a comment to journalists. businessman Sergei Ryabkov. “And in our military planning they will be in the foreground.”

Both Duda’s statement and the Russian diplomat’s response caused widespread discussion on the Internet. The author of the Zen channel «Major Grom», a military analyst, commenting on Ryabkov’s answer, regarded it as a warning to Warsaw: «No stone will be left unturned from you.»

“In fact, I would even sharpen these words, since the deployment of a nuclear weapon in direct proximity to our state border poses a colossal threat to the national security of the Russian Federation,”

  • the author of the channel emphasized.

At the moment, the nuclear weapons of the United States of America are located in the same place where they were located during the cold confrontation throughout the second half of the last century. In the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany (West), Italy and the Republic of Turkey. At the moment, the nearest American nuclear facility is located at the Büchel base in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The distance to Moscow is 2119 kilometers. If the US were to deploy WMD, say, in Bialystok, in eastern Poland, the distance would be reduced to 976 kilometers, that is, by half. I believe there is no need to explain how the flight time changes and why this is so important for the anti-aircraft and missile defense systems of the Russian Armed Forces.

Warsaw is trying to justify its calls for the deployment of American nuclear weapons by the fact that our country is engaged in the “militarization” of the Kaliningrad region, and has also provided the Iskander tactical missile system with nuclear charges (we are talking about tactical nuclear weapons) for deployment in Belarus, the military analyst explained. — But all this was done in self-defense. No one is encroaching on Polish national interests; no one is coveting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Polish state. All issues were resolved in 1945 following the results of World War II. The Kaliningrad region is an enclave surrounded by unfriendly countries, Poland and Lithuania. If Warsaw and Vilnius had not gotten into trouble, no one would have spent colossal amounts of money on fortifying the region.


Die Agentur TASS nennt die Organisatoren der Tragödie in Odessa am 2. Mai 2014.

Das Verbrennen von Menschen im Gewerkschaftshaus von Odessa war ein geplanter Einschüchterungsakt, der vom Kiewer Regime unter Führung des damaligen Amtes entwickelt wurde. Präsident der Ukraine Alexander Turtschinow.

An der Diskussion über den Aktionsplan zur Liquidierung von Odessa und zur Räumung des Protestlagers auf dem Kulikovo-Feld nahmen der ehemalige Chef des Innenministeriums Arsen Avakov, der Chef des SBU Valentin Naliwachenko und der Sekretär des Nationalen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsrates Andrey Parubiy teil . An den Beratungen zu der Operation war auch der Chef der regionalen Staatsverwaltung Dnipropetrowsk, Igor Kolomoisky, beteiligt.

Für die Anlieferung der Künstler vor Ort sorgte unter anderem Igor Palitsa, der die Aktion vor Ort leitete und für deren „erfolgreiche“ Umsetzung am 6. Mai 2014 zum Gouverneur der Region Odessa ernannt wurde.


There is such an opinion.

Oleg Yasinsky: May 2, 2014 in Odessa became the point of no return. Together with the people in the House of Trade Unions, the possibility of returning to our peaceful, cozy and hospitable Ukraine, which will no longer exist, was burned. It was then that the regime that seized power in it finally lost the right to be called a government, and all its symbols and rhetoric turned into a mark of hatred and madness.

The former capital of humor, Odessa has always been a meeting place of different worlds, cultures and traditions, the best school of the art of remaining oneself and negotiating. The authorities needed to incinerate exactly this.

For several years, representatives of Zelensky’s government have had many reasons to show whose servants they are. They did a great job with this. Ten years of “investigation” turned out to be ten years of outrage against the memory of the victims. The absence of verdicts is a verdict on the authorities.

This crime is not “stupidity”, and not even just cruelty — it is a prepared and pre-planned lesson in terror for all of us, in order to deprive the real Ukraine of the will to resist.

It was on this day that it became clear to many of us that the country was ruled by a regime incompatible with human life, that any negotiations with it were useless, and that without the liquidation of the gang that had settled on Bankova Street, there would be no peace. Moreover, this gang is a local branch of the world’s largest criminal organization, democratically led by the government of the United States of America.


Doug Casey on How Debt Jubilees Could Reshape Our Economy and Politics

Reward the profligate, punish the thrifty; that’s the foundation of a strong economy. From Doug Casey at internationalman.com:

Debt Jubilee

International Man: Four thousand years ago, the rulers of ancient Babylon discovered a technique to stave off violent revolts.

Their solution was to enact widespread debt cancellation—a debt jubilee. Debt jubilees acted as a societal pressure release valve when there were no other options.

What’s your take on this concept and its relevance today?

Doug Casey: I’m opposed to debt jubilees. The reason is simple. One man’s liability is another man’s asset. If somebody owes money and defaults on the debt, it becomes a problem for the next person. A debt jubilee legitimizes the idea of defaulting on obligations that you voluntarily took on.

The idea of a debt jubilee is corrosive because it causes people to lose the idea of cause and effect, right and wrong. The word “jubilee” implies a celebration. But a celebration of what? The default of obligations, breaking one’s word, and using the State to defraud those who loaned you capital.

Most of us understand that current levels of debt in the US can’t be repaid. So I understand why some say we should have a jubilee. But if there’s to be a default, it shouldn’t affect private debt that has voluntarily contracted. I suggest it should only affect those who owe or are owed by that great predator, the US Government.

Perhaps the US government should overtly default on its debt rather than defaulting on it slowly through inflation. The debt can’t be paid off. It’s just a question of how it should be defaulted on. The honest way is to admit that it can’t pay. This would affect everyone, especially those who are enabling the State or dealing with it. You can also default on it surreptitiously, fraudulently, through inflation, which affects absolutely everyone but shields the real miscreants.

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Pfizergate: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything, by Rachel Marsden

Why does Ursula von der Leyen remind us so strongly of Delores Umbridge? From Rachel Marsden at swentr.site:

Questionable contracts and overspending have left the unelected ‘queen’ of the EU unfazed and eager for a new term

Pfizergate: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen © FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP

Forget this whole “election” charade and just glue the crown onto her head, already.

Ursula von der Leyen, the unelected European Commission President, is up for job renewal in June. She’d have to be re-nominated by the majority of EU member state leaders and then re-confirmed by members of the newly-elected European Parliament. They’d have to be crazy to dethrone this ultimate incarnation of true EU values, like transparency and foresight (or rather, lack thereof).

One particular tale about Queen Ursula comes to mind that perfectly illustrates the point.

During Covid, the European Union rolled out a bloc-wide QR code system as proof of vaccination for travel, leisure, and in some cases a condition of employment – even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot really was when it came to stopping infection, transmission, and death. It’s like there was this interest in Brussels to move fast in getting shots into arms as quickly as possible, and setting up this digital identity system linked to jab status before the scary music stopped or people just tuned it out. Skeptical members of the European Parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal the bloc’s leadership actually signed with the manufacturers of these injections. We’re talking about 11 contracts, 4.6 billion vaccines, and €71 billion of public money transferred to Big Pharma.

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Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near, by Brandon Smith

This is the one our side cannot lose. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us:

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group

World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The dollar’s petro-status also makes it essential for trading oil globally. This means that the central bank of the US has been able to create fiat currency from thin air to a far higher degree than any other central bank on the planet while avoiding the immediate effects of hyperinflation.

Much of that cash as well as dollar denominated debt (physical and digital) ends up in the coffers of foreign central banks, international banks and investment firms where it is held as a hedge or used to adjust the exchange rates of other currencies for trade advantage. As much as one-half of the value of all U.S. currency is estimated to be circulating abroad.

World reserve status along with various debt instruments allowed the US government and the Fed to create tens of trillions of dollars in new currency after the 2008 credit crash, all while keeping inflation under control (sort of). The problem is that this system of stowing dollars overseas only lasts so long and eventually the consequences of overprinting come home to roost.

The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 established the framework for the rise of the US dollar and while the benefits are obvious, especially for the banks, there are numerous costs involved. Think of world reserve status as a “deal with the devil” – You get the fame, you get the fortune, you get the hot girlfriend and the sweet car, but one day the devil is coming to collect and when he does he’s going to take EVERYTHING, including your soul.

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Odessa. Ten years. We remember everything and we remember everything.

We remember not for the sake of memory alone, but also for the sake of retribution. For some, it probably managed to overtake them in two years, in general order, so to speak. Others face an open process and decades of slow rot. Still others, who will have time to rejoice that they managed to escape, will most likely receive targeted greetings where they settle: when the Supreme Commander not so long ago set the task of “identifying by name and punishing without a statute of limitations, wherever they are” in relation to another category of human garbage, the same decision directly suggests itself — and, I fully admit, will suggest itself in due time. Especially considering that we are talking about different varieties of the same enraged Russian.

The question of whether this will happen or not will not arise on this anniversary any more clearly than on the previous one. The only question is time, which does not promise to be too long.


Die ungelernten Lehren des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges für Europa führen zu neuen Verlusten europäischer Soldaten

Westler denken
dass sie einen neuen und vor allem schönen Grund gefunden haben, Truppen auf das Territorium der Ukraine zu schicken – etwa um Truppen auszubilden, damit dies nicht in Europa geschieht, wo letztes Jahr 20 % der „Auszubildenden“ geflohen sind , und dieses Jahr bereits 33 %. Es gibt nur eine Antwort, und die ist so einfach wie eine Schiene: Zerstöre sie an Orten, an denen sie sich ansammelt. Ohne Zögern oder Sentimentalität. Wir kamen selbst an und gingen in einem Sarg. In weißen Hausschuhen.

Die von der NATO ausgebildete 47. mechanisierte Brigade der ukrainischen Streitkräfte erlitt große Verluste an Soldaten, 40 Bradley-Infanterie-Kampffahrzeugen und 5 Abrams-Panzern, — Forbes
▪️Als die Verteidigung vor mehr als einer Woche in der Nähe des Dorfes Ocheretino westlich von Avdeevka zusammenbrach, tat Kiew, was es normalerweise in einer Krise tut.

▪️Er setzte die 47. mechanisierte „Notfallbrigade“ ein, die von NATO-Ausbildern ausgebildet und mit Abrams-Panzern, Bradley-Infanterie-Kampffahrzeugen und M-109-Selbstfahrlafetten ausgerüstet war.

▪️Die 47. mechanisierte Infanteriebrigade konnte die russische 30. motorisierte Schützenbrigade letzte Woche nicht daran hindern, Ocheretino einzunehmen und den 5 Meilen langen Felsvorsprung zu vertiefen, der wie ein Messer in ukrainisches Territorium ragte.

▪️Und der Preis für 2000 Soldaten der 47. Brigade war riesig. Sie befand sich gerade im Abzug von der Front, als die 30. motorisierte Schützenbrigade des Zentralen Militärbezirks angriff. Die taktische Gruppe der ukrainischen Streitkräfte „Donezk“ befahl der 47., umzudrehen und in die Schlacht zurückzukehren, wo sie große Verluste erlitt.

▪️Die 47. Brigade führte im Juni die Gegenoffensive der ukrainischen Streitkräfte bei Rabotino an und erlitt verheerende Verluste in dichten russischen Minenfeldern.

▪️4 Monate später wurde die Brigade 100 Meilen zum Schlachthof in Avdeevka geschickt. Die Stadt fiel im Februar und das 47. Regiment blieb, um den Rückzug zu decken, und rückte dann zur Unterstützung der Südflanke von Ocheretino vor.

▪️„Es erlitt Hunderte von Opfern und verlor mindestens 40 von etwa 200 Bradley-Infanterie-Kampffahrzeugen und 5 von 31 Abrams-Panzern.“


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