di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


Gospa News articles in Italian linked below can be read in all languages with machine translation available

A few hours after the sensational success of some far-right parties in the European elections, the US State Department announced that it wanted to remove the ban on supplying weapons to the openly Neo-Nazi Ukrainian paramilitaries of the Azov Battalion which former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, today an official of the military think tank CEPA supported by NATO, European Commission and Weapons Lobby, in recent days he celebrated as “Heroes” despite the complaints against the fighters themselves for war crimes in Donbass.

Boris Johnson shows the flag of neonazi Azov Battalion

The Washington Post explained the reasons for the White House’s “change of direction”, RT (Russia Today) published the photo of Bojo showing the flag of the nationalist guerrillas in which symbols of the Third Reich appear…

The Powerful HIMARS Rocket Launchers in the Hands of the Neo-Nazis

This means that from tomorrow the infamous 12th Special Forces Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard could have the possibility of using the powerful HIMARS rocket launchers with which the Kiev army is “exterminating the civilian population of the Russian border territories” as reported to the Council of UN Security by the Russian ambassador Vasilij Nebenzia.

Furthermore, these guerrillas nostalgic for the SS and moreover tattooed with Satanist symbols could increase the flourishing black market of Western weapons destined for Kiev which, thanks to secret operations of the American counter-espionage Central Intelligence Agency as revealed in our CIA-Gate investigations, end up too often in the hands of terrorists and criminal gangs from all over the world.

All this takes on enormous importance in light of the results of the European Elections of 6-9 June which crowned the great victory of Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National in France and that of the nationalist party FPÖ in Austria and the success of the AfD in Germany where it is became the second party ahead of the SPD social democrats of the current chancellor Olaf Sholtz and behind only the CDU democrats of Ursula Von der Leyen.

The electoral victory of Ursula Von der Leyen although accused of genocide

A separate issue concerns the confirmation of the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia coalition of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni which remains the leading party on the peninsula.

The results of the elections to the European Parliament (EP) show that a majority will be pro-European and pro-Ukrainian, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has told the media.

“The odds are, there will be a pro-European and pro-Ukrainian majority. We see that. However, the future composition of the European Parliament is yet to be analyzed,” he remarked when asked about the outcome of the EP elections and victory of the European People’s Party, of which the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is a member.

Von der Leyen achieved this result thanks to the massive abstention there was in Europe where only one voter in two voted. And despite his recent indictment for complicity in war crimes in the genocide of the Israeli Zionist regime in Gaza.

The Right will not be able to build a powerful and solid coalition of their own also because since 2022 the Meloni Government has shown itself to be one of the most prompt governments in supporting the EU Commission’s strategy of military aid to Ukraine, so much so that it has resorted to “secrecy” of weapons supply packages.

Above all due to the incisive intrusion of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, a former deputy of the Democratic Party like his predecessor Giorgio Napolitano who legitimized the use of the US Bases in Italy for the start of the Obama-Biden Arab Spring.

Precisely in one of the most crucial moments for peace, when the Pope had offered to act as mediator, Mattarella had received the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky at the Quirinale palace, assuring him of new military aid from Italy (despite not falling within his institutional powers) and allowing him thus to refuse any truce negotiations.

USA, UK and Italy support Neo-Nazi “Heroes”.

This is why those Right-wing parties that seek peace with Russia and not the continuation of a war that only serves the Weapons Lobby and the geopolitical aims of NATO driven by Bill Gates through his puppet Jens Stoltenberg (link between Big Pharma and war industries) will only be able to have an impact in France if the child prodigy of Le Pen’s national front, the very young Jordan Bardella, first wins the national elections against Emmanuel Macron who called them urgently by dissolving parliament, and then manages to resist the billionaire sirens of the Warlords…

Even the Italian Prime Minister Meloni up until 3 years ago (in 2021) supported Donald Trump and believed it was essential to dialogue with Vladimir Putin, but then changed geopolitical views after joining the Aspen Institute financed by the Rockefellers following in the footsteps of the co-founder of her party Guido Crosetto (in other think tanks of the powerful American warmongering dynasty) former president of the Italian Arms Federation (AIAD) and then appointed Minister of Defense by Meloni herself.

It therefore assumes enormous importance that the former British minister Boris Johnson, the politician who convinced Zelensky to reject an already written peace agreement with Russia, defines the ferocious guerrillas of the Azov Battalion as “Heroes” just as did Giovanbattista Fazzolari, undersecretary of the Meloni Government but above all the ideological “guru” of Fratelli d’Italia.

Not only. In recent days, the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, Giorgia Meloni’s brother-in-law, had to deal with the scandal of his spokesperson Paolo Signorelli triggered by some chats praising fascism with a far-right terrorist (later killed by the Albanian mafia) whom he recalled with honor the grandfather of the same name convicted of political terrorism.

If Bojo were just a former politician without art nor part of him, his praise of the neo-Nazi paramilitaries of the 12th Brigade (part of the Ukrainian National Guard), would have no weight.

But former British PM Johnson became one of the officials of the CEPA think tank that planned the militarization of Eastern Europe in 2020 with summits between NATO commanders and European Union officials, effectively inducing Putin to break the deadlock and to launch the Special Military Operation in Ukraine aimed precisely at “de-militarization and de-nazification”.

It is not surprising that the US State Department led by Anthony Blinken, now more powerful than the confused President Joseph Biden and the cancer patient Lloyd Austin (Secretary of the Pentagon) has decided to arm the extremists of the Azov Battalion as well given that they have been trained from the Ground Branch military department of the CIA which for decades has fomented the Ukrainian nationalist movements born in the footsteps of Stephan Bandera such as C-14 and Centuria.

In recent weeks, some Centuria fighters have been expelled from Germany because they used SS symbols on their uniforms during NATO training for the war in Ukraine.

But Italian and British politicians call them “heroes” while the USA is ready to use them to give a neo-Nazi twist to the conflict in the hope of arousing a vast echo for new enlistments among right-wing extremists who, as confirmed by the European elections, seem to be ever more numerous.

Below are all the details on the supply of US weapons to the Azov Battalion and its celebration of former British Prime Minister BoJo

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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