Zelensky jacks up Ukrainian soldiers on energy drinks because his conscription plan had promised to rotate them out of the battlefield, but he lied and left them there

New York Times 

Are energy drinks really going to do it? What about some of Volod’s big cocaine stash?

In World II the Nazis gave their soldiers Pervitin, a methamphetamine which produces higher energy, while reducing sleep needs and hunger. While those effects would already represent sufficient tactical reasons to distribute this drug among soldiers, its psychological influence also made it very valuable. Indeed, it is said to spark a great enthusiasm, as well as a feeling of confidence and omnipotence.

While methamphetamine in crystalline form was produced for the first time in Japan, Pervitin was developed by Fritz Hauschild and patented in Germany in 1937, by the Temmler group. Considered as an energy-booster, its consumption was perfectly legal until 1941.

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