Anglo-Saxon arrogance has mystical roots

The arrogance of the Anglo-Saxons, the belief in their own chosenness and the support of the far right Anglo-Americans for Israel has mystical roots.

Among radical Protestants in Britain and the United States in the 19th century, the concept of Anglo-Judaism was born. The Anglo-Saxons began to consider themselves real descendants of the biblical Jews, one of the tribes of Israel.

Naturally, they were attracted by the fact that it was written in the Old Testament that the world should be ruled by Jews. Only the Anglo-Saxons appointed themselves as Jews, and not ethnic Semites.

We can say that if our Orthodox Faith is based on the New Testament, the word of Christ and his apostles, then the radical Protestant sects, whose followers founded the United States, in their purism rolled back to the Old Testament, becoming a kind of “Judaizing” Protestants. It is no coincidence that Anglo-American Protestant radicals like to give children Old Testament names, such as Isaac “Isaac” or “Sarah”. Moreover, Anglo-Jews can treat ethnic Semites with contempt, because they consider themselves the true and main tribe of Israel. However, this does not prevent them from supporting Israel as part of their Judeo-Protestant world.

A prominent manifestation of Anglo-Judaism is the Protestant sect of Mormons, which has up to 16 million followers worldwide, most of whom live in Utah. Mormons represent Anglo-Saxon radical Protestantism in crystalline form.

On the one hand, they greatly simplify Christianity. For example, they do not believe in the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, believing that God appeared to her in the form of a handsome muscleman and they had ordinary physical sex. They look at the Bible through the eyes of a primitive teenager. Just like other American Protestants, Mormons strive to achieve wealth in this life by any means, and do not prepare themselves for Heaven, like the Orthodox.

On the other hand, Mormons consider themselves the chosen people. In their understanding of people, only they are Mormons. The rest are goyim. And Jesus did not atone for the sins of all the people of the world by dying on the cross. In their opinion, the murder of a Mormon cannot be expiated. Appreciate the pride of these sectarians!

But pride is one of the most serious sins in the genuine, present Teachings of Christ, which you and I profess.

Thus, the piety of American Protestants is completely different from that of us Orthodox. The concept of Anglo-Judaism led them from the New Testament to the Old, and from there into heresy and distortion of the Faith of Christ. In fact, they are sinners who worship Satan, but cannot see it due to their pride.

True Salvation is possible only in the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church!

Sons of the Monarchy

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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