It seems Israel is bombing Lebanon to drag the US into a regional war

Netanyahu will do literally anything to save his skin

Israel has just destroyed Ayta ash-Shaab in southern Lebanon. There is talk that Israel is bombing Lebanon and killing Hezbollah commanders to prepare for a ground invasion they couldn’t possibly win. If this is true, it means they are gambling the US will enter the war to save their skin. It seems one genocide wasn’t enough and they are determined to make it two. Israel failed to get the US to declare war on Iran so they’re hoping Biden will go after the easier target.

Contrast the hesitant way in which the media reports on the warmongering of Netanyahu versus Putin. We are told Putin is dangerous because he might attack other countries and yet they shrug when Israel is attacking other countries and trying to start a regional war. Putin is a war criminal for striking civilian infrastructure, but it’s “complicated” when Israel does this to a much greater extent. We’re even told Israel can legally kill children, and just look at how the Jerusalem Post is reporting on Lebanon:

Targeting civilians to achieve a political goal is the very definition of terrorism. Yes, the head of the IDSF is demanding war crimes, which is a war crime in itself. It really looks like Israel’s goal is to get the US to help establish a greater Israel in which they reclaim lands they controlled thousands of years ago, only they never did. Biblical Israel was composed of 12 tribes of which only one was the tribe of Judah, so Israel’s right to be a Jewish ethnostate fails even by its own logic.

Israeli soldiers are not exactly hiding their land-grabbing intentions. They are wearing patches on their arms showing a Greater Israel, which includes parts of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This is what they’re hoping a regional war will result in and they would sacrifice millions of lives to achieve this goal. Suddenly, it’s not hard to see why 37,000 dead is no big deal to them.

And yet even the genocidal IDF was willing to agree to a tactical pause in fighting so humanitarian aid could get through to Gaza. However, Benjamin Netanyahu decided this was unacceptable and ordered them to continue the slaughter. I would say it is not possible for the Israeli prime minister to be more depraved, but somehow others in Israel are even worse.

Moshe Feiglin, a former Likud MP invoked Hitler to justify his genocidal intentions, but not in the way you might think. He said: «As Hitler said, ‘I cannot live if one Jew is left’. We can’t live here if one ‘Islamo-nazi’ remains in Gaza.» In other words, if Hitler can commit genocide, we can too. We will exterminate the Palestinians like Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews. There is no attempt to hide genocidal intent in Israel. Rabbis in uniform are distributing pamphlets to IDF soldiers and telling them to destroy and shoot everyone.

And the IDF is following these instructions to the letter. While the official death toll is 37,337, roughly 10,000 more civilians are feared dead under the rubble and 85,299 are reported injured. An Al Jazeera cameraman recorded the IDF deliberately targeting another ambulance, yet Israel would treat that cameraman as a terrorist for working for Al Jazeera.

I saw a video of a young boy with horrible burns in a car and I assumed he was being driven to hospital, but then I asked myself what hospital? The horror is that children with horrible burns are going without medical treatment. I remember having a nasty blister on my finger and feeling sorry for myself for days. I couldn’t imagine suffering far worse pain all over my body. If you’re a parent, look at your child and picture them enduring full body burns without pain relief. You shouldn’t have to picture this to feel empathy for another child, but if that’s what it takes to get you there…

A mother watched her 12 year old son get executed in front of her eyes, along with many other civilians, during the rescue of four hostages in Nuseirat refugee camp. I have a 12 year old son and if someone executed him in front of my eyes, I would dedicate every moment of my life to revenge and the western media would call me the extremist.

Horror stories involving children are coming out of Gaza non-stop. A mother and baby were found lying dead in the road. Another baby starved to death after his father spent days trying to find milk formula for him. It’s a miracle the father wasn’t shot by snipers on his travels, given how trigger happy the IDF is getting.

Seven people, including a doctor in a hospital car park, were shot dead by Israeli snipers in one hour in the West Bank while the streets were quiet and not a peep in the western press. Just imagine the outcry if a Hamas sniper killed seven civilians in Tel Aviv in one hour. It would be held up as proof that Palestinians are animals who deserve everything they get in retaliation.

Ironically, Haaretz, an Israeli publication, is calling out Israel’s bullshit in a way you can’t in the west because if you do, you get censored or lose your job, whether you’re on the left like Briahna Joy Gray or the right like Candace Owens.

Social media is a key component of the censorship industrial complex. Facebook removed a Skwawkbox article that factually states the Times has reported there is no evidence for mass rape on October 7th. We’re not even allowed to report the facts now. We’re not allowed to debunk atrocity propaganda. Even worse, Israel is pushing to have October 7th considered another holocaust so that anyone who challenges their narrative is a holocaust denier and guilty of a hate crime.

The Washington Post is targeting Grayzone journalists for their factual reporting on October 7th because one thing they hate is having their lies challenged. These people do not believe in free speech, they believe in providing cover for the extermination of the Palestinian people.

Gazans are celebrating Eid in the rubble and refusing to have their spirits broken, no matter how challenging life gets. President Biden and the official Israel Twitter account both had the gall to wish Muslims “Eid Mubarak” while they’re bombing Gaza into extinction. It’s like a serial killer wishing you happy birthday before taking a hammer to your skull.

The US is engaging in dead cat diplomacy: doing everything it can to ensure a peace deal fails while blaming Hamas. Israel refused to accept any ceasefire deal that involves them agreeing to not exterminate Hamas and they even wanted to continue fighting between stage one and two of the deal. Yet Antony Blinken is pretending that Israel is agreeing to a ceasefire and Hamas is not. Middle Eastern countries don’t agree on much, but they agree Antony Blinken is an untrustworthy piece of shit — and that is a sentiment shared elsewhere.

In a legendary moment, the prime minister of Albania called Blinken out to his face and said the three major devils in the world are the US, Russia and Israel. You can imagine how humiliating it must have been for Blinken to be mentioned in the same breath as his mortal enemies because it blows apart the narrative of western good guys versus eastern bad guys. The rest of the world doesn’t see it that way, which is why most of the world is not counted as part of the “international community”.

Eric Cantona has posted an impressive video in which he makes an important point that “If Gaza is over, the world is inevitably over too. If it doesn’t make it this time, then victory goes to the most barbaric and violent.”

If Israel is allowed to get away with genocide, international law is over and we are entering an incredibly scary time. Imagine World War III where the rules of war are ignored and the most brutal side wins to rule over the ashes, assuming anyone survives. We are on this trajectory because we cannot get our leaders to respect international law. My question is where the hell are the courts? And where are our so-called checks and balances? Because seven billion people who want nothing to do with this madness are depending on them…

Thank you for reading. All of my content will always be freely available, but if you wish to support my work, you can do so at Ko-fi. Likes, shares and comments also help massively.

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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