Labour’s treatment of Martin Forde KC exposes a racism scandal the media has ignored

It’s a racism scandal that has helped enable a genocide

Back in 2020, when a leaked internal report showed that Sir Keir Starmer’s faction of the Labour Party was not only hostile towards black and brown people, but had weaponised anti-Semitism for political gain, the Labour leader promised a fully independent investigation into the previous investigation that had come up with findings he didn’t like.

It seemed Starmer was hoping an investigation into the investigation would come up with answers he did like, which he could use to show his opponents were the real racists. Starmer commissioned a black KC called Martin Forde to give the new investigation a veneer of credibility, but clearly he hoped that someone politically aligned with him would follow the script.

Starmer did not reckon with Martin Forde KC having the integrity to understand that institutional racism cannot be ignored for the sake of petty factionalism. Martin Forde KC’s investigation into the investigation blew the lid off Starmer’s narrative and exposed his grotesque lies. This truly was a national scandal so the mainstream media naturally ignored it. After all, they could not notify the public of something that corroborates what Jeremy Corbyn’s allies have been saying for years. They could not admit they were lying too. The mainstream media were complicit in Labour’s institutional racism and accomplices in the anti-Semitism smears.

Now that the investigation into the investigation had revealed the truth, you would think Starmer would at least have the dignity to say something mealy-mouthed to suggest lessons had been learned. Instead, he decided to sue the people suspected of leaking the original report, despite not having a shred of evidence, and he spent so much doing so, he put the financially struggling Labour at risk of bankruptcy. He recently dropped the case after being told by his own lawyers he had no chance of winning.

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Martin Forde KC was left so frustrated by Starmer’s failure to acknowledge the 165 recommendations in his report that he did an interview with the only media organisation willing to hear him out: Al Jazeera.

The Independent explains:

“In March 2023, Mr Forde gave an interview to Al Jazeera in which he said that no one from Labour had been willing to discuss the recommendations further and highlighted concerns raised by ethnic minority politicians within Labour about racism in the party.”

The one news organisation giving us the truth about the genocide in the Middle East was also the one news organisation telling the truth about Labour anti-Semitism allegations. The common thread here is that Al Jazeera exposes Zionist lies while everyone else goes along with them. This is why Israel declared Al Jazeera a terrorist organisation. The next UK government is about to be formed by a faction called Labour Friends of Israel. This should help explain the viciousness with which these people went after the alleged leakers.

What we did not know at the time was that not only were they going after the report leakers, they were going after Martin Forde KC himself, only they were doing so quietly. It would be absurd to accuse Forde of being some anti-Semitic conspirator when he was commissioned by Sir Keir Starmer, so instead Labour sent him letters threatening him to keep his mouth shut.

Martin Forde KC said:

“I was surprised to receive those letters, and was also surprised by the tone and content, because I thought I had a sufficiently good working relationship with the general secretary for him simply to ask me what I’d said,” adding: “All he had to do was pick up the phone.”

Everyone who exposes Zionist lies becomes the victim of attacks, even if they’re friends of the Zionists themselves. These people will turn on you in a heartbeat.

The Independent explained how Martin Forde KC was warned by lawyers he was acting “against the party’s interests” by telling the truth and Labour was “considering all of its options”. In other words, Martin Forde KC was expected to cover up racist bullying and anti-Semitism smears. This expectation in itself is racist, but don’t expect an investigation from the EHRC any time soon (they only go after people with politics they don’t like).

The Independent explained:

“Lawyers accused Mr Forde of having made ‘extensive negative and highly prejudicial comments’ and questioned his professional conduct.”

Martin Forde KC was described as “irritated” and told The Independent Labour can’t silence him. He said:

“I don’t know if it was an attempt to silence me. I mean, they’ve couched it carefully along the lines of ‘We’re reminding you of your professional duties,’ which I found mildly irritating because I am a regulatory lawyer, and I don’t like my professionalism or ethics being questioned .. but I felt it was more.

“I’m a private individual; they can’t silence me. I fundamentally object to people saying to me, ‘You don’t know how to behave as a professional.’ I’m afraid that Black professionals get it all the time.”

Martin Forde KC’s report found that Labour was an “unwelcoming place for people of colour” and you only have to look at the purge of black and brown parliamentary candidates and councillors as proof.

Forde pointed out “quite a high proportion of Black and Asian councillors or prospective MPs felt they’d been subjected to disciplinary action which had been deliberately timed to exclude them from qualifying processes or selection”. This is undeniable, given the number of people it has happened to at the very last moment.

The targeting of Diane Abbott and Faiza Shaheen is just the tip of the iceberg. No racial minority is safe, ironically not even Jews, who’ve been expelled from Labour at the highest rate in the party’s history since Starmer came to power. The man who cares so deeply about anti-Semitism will not tolerate any Jew who disagrees with him.

Martin Forde KC has lamented the lack of internal debate and engagement over his report — in other words, the Labour Party has ignored the findings of a regulatory lawyer over racism. They basically did what they accused Jeremy Corbyn of doing. It comes back to that old adage, every Zionist accusation is a projection. Forde described Labour’s anti-Semitism training as “largely didactic, top-down and one-dimensional”. The truth is the training was designed to tackle anti-Zionism rather than anti-Semitism.

The Independent reports that Labour’s National Executive Committee had repeatedly invited Martin Forde KC to meetings to discuss his findings, but Starmer and his team blocked the invites. Forde got his lawyers to respond to Labour’s threatening letters, telling them their accusations were “baseless” and they backed down. They knew this was another fight they could not win, and by even trying to sue, they would be exposed.

Imagine Corbyn had commissioned a Jewish Lawyer to investigate anti-Semitism accusations and he uncovered clear evidence Corbyn’s team had been involved in anti-Semitic bullying, smeared the victims as racists and purged them from the party. Imagine Corbyn then threatened the lawyer. Imagine the media outcry. The double-standard could not be more pronounced.

The Independent mentions a racism hierarchy in Labour, but the racism hierarchy is also in the media and in society itself. This is the real scandal — and the scandal is so serious because we’re not just talking about hurt feelings, we’re talking about a scandal which has led to our two biggest parties supporting a genocide and denouncing anyone who opposes the genocide of being anti-Semites. It’s a racism scandal that has led to tens of thousands of deaths because make no mistake, Israel would not be acting the way it does without the support of our political establishment. This is surely the UK’s biggest racism scandal in memory and most of the public do not even know it has taken place.

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