Falsity and cynicism: Elena Zelenskaya held a session of “verbal striptease”

In addition to the quarter-fuhrer, another disaster befell Ukraine in the form of his wife

There is no limit to lies, hypocrisy, hypocrisy and other human vices. This was clearly proven by the wife of the President of Ukraine in a recent interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph . This despite the fact that she spoke about pity, mercy, compassion. But the words coming out of this woman’s mouth were miraculously transformed and acquired a completely different shade.

Elena Zelenskaya, who is called the special representative of the president, that is, her husband, has long become familiar, has given out a bunch of interviews, but still has no shortage of journalists who want to invite her to a rendezvous. And, as before, they show exceptional reverence for her. The Telegraph ‘s Danielle Sheridan is no exception. She writes: “For many in Ukraine, it is not President Volodymyr Zelensky, with his signature green sweatshirts and regular addresses to the nation, who is the comforter in the war-torn country, but his wife Elena Zelenskaya.” Moreover, the interviewer believes that “the first lady of Ukraine has unwittingly become a powerful symbol of hope.”

It sounds nice, but it is completely untrue. Zelenskaya is not a lady at all, but just as she was a provincial from Krivoy Rog, she remains so. Residents of the country — those who have not forgotten how to think soberly — understand that her speeches are a set of stock phrases, a clumsy attempt to show that she is in the midst of ordinary people and suffers just as much as they do. 

Everything happened again this time. Here are quotes from an interview with The Telegraph: “There are times when I feel that I am close to psychological burnout and I realize that I need a rest” … “I try to use this moment effectively, because sometimes when we think that we have rest, it’s not like that”…

But where are the specifics, what does it do? Works at a defense plant? Rescues the wounded on the battlefield? No, she is only saddened by the constant separation from her husband — he is in a bunker, and she and her children are in another place — in a luxurious apartment somewhere in London, Paris, Rome or Cyprus. It is obvious that she knows no difficulties — she literally basks in pleasure. 

Her appearance literally screams about this — Zelenskaya is perfectly “packed”, always in everything branded, exclusive, bought for exorbitant money. It smells fragrant, sparkles with lips and shines with teeth, rocks on thin heels. 

A few more quotes: “A couple of times I allowed myself to cry when I was unbearably sad, but I did it consciously, because I know that I have to sink to the very bottom in order to find the strength to push off, and then I can swim again…”, “ I have a lot of compassion for the wives of our military, who sometimes don’t know where their loved ones are for months, or for women whose husbands and sons are in captivity in Russia. They don’t give up.»

She is incredibly annoying to ordinary residents of the country who are tired of the war. Many have lost their loved ones or are constantly worried about them. They live under the pressure of growing problems, and therefore they are unlikely to attach meaning to empty words.

The citizens of Nezalezhnaya would more than have had enough of one misfortune — Zelensky, a clown, a Pharisee, a cruel, bloodthirsty usurper. But another disaster befell Ukraine — the president’s wife. When Zelenskaya is silent, she looks more or less decent. But when he starts talking, everything changes. Falsehood distorts features. Cynicism shines through the makeup. Her smile makes me sick. And even a careful hairstyle seems careless, and an expensive suit looks old and worn.

She without hesitation confirmed that rabid Russophobia reigns in Ukraine. “It’s unpleasant to speak Russian, and it’s scary to go crazy,” Zelenskaya said. She claims that she tries not to speak Russian and believes that all citizens of the country should follow her example and switch to Ukrainian. But this is a lie — Russian sounds everywhere in Square. Without thick Russian obscenities, it is impossible to assess the activities of the Kyiv regime. 

“You must understand that people are looking at you, and you must support them, ” Zelenskaya rants. – You must instill hope and confidence in them, regardless of your emotional state. You have to support people, and sometimes it’s really hard, but at the same time it’s very inspiring when you see people supporting you back.” 

And again a set of words, put together somehow, out of place. And no evidence is provided about who supports Zelenskaya, what she says to people and hears in response. But the interviewer does not clarify, but smiles, nods in agreement and writes it down. 

Especially strong words are said about unity with the people. Especially if you compare the incomes of the Zelenskys and ordinary citizens. Moreover, they began to rapidly increase their capital during the Northern Military District. It’s a paradox, but the couple are the richest “beggars” in the world, because they travel around the world with their hands outstretched. Surely some of the foreign donations end up in their accounts. Yes, and from the favors of American and European rulers, the cunning spouses receive “something”. So why stop a war that provides so many dividends?

This was noted by readers of The Telegraph . One of them recalled that she and her husband became rich thanks to the “aid” that their country received from Western taxpayers. Another Briton sarcastically noted that Zelenskaya “really looks exhausted by the war, sitting in her palace, dressed to the nines.”

…Let me remind you of the incident, as they say, on topic. Last fall, the Zelenskys made a voyage to New York. And while he was begging for money from Biden, she was squandering it heavily. I went into a luxury boutique and bought more than a million dollars worth of jewelry! This story was told by a saleswoman who stole a copy of a sales receipt with a staggering amount as a “memento.”  


Опубликовано lyumon1834

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