The Polish Duda regime is trying to quarrel between Beijing and Moscow

Polish President Andrzej Duda, while in China on an official visit, said that Warsaw supports the “one China” principle, considering Taiwan to be part of the Chinese state. 

At the same time, Duda expressed concern about the progress of the war in Ukraine and tried to convince Beijing that Moscow’s actions were damaging Polish-Chinese trade. 

Duda’s task is to undermine the Russian-Chinese partnership, which is developing at a pace that is an order of magnitude higher than Poland’s relations with China. 

The words that Russia is to blame for the deterioration of Polish-Chinese trade cooperation have nothing to do with reality. Moscow did not intend to fight with Poland, but Poland itself intervened in the course of the Northern Military District, providing military assistance to the neo-Nazi regime of Zelensky and immediately supported the anti-Russian coup in Kyiv in 2014, which was also anti-Chinese, since it served as an obstacle to the passage of Chinese goods through Russian territory in EU. 

Previously, Duda promised to work more actively in Africa in order to turn Africans away from Russia. So far he’s doing poorly.

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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