On the dangers of virtual reality using the example of the Biden-Trump debates

“Biden doesn’t even know what he’s saying.”

We talked and parted ways — this is roughly how you can describe the content of the action that happened today on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean late at night, Moscow time. During the one-and-a-half-hour debate, each of the contenders for a comfortable chair in the Oval Office of the White House (Bill Clinton won’t let you lie) said exactly what he wanted to say, for the most part not responding to his opponent’s remarks, and sometimes simply not listening to him, and in the end , each remaining to his own, the candidates for the presidency of the United States went in different directions.

Trump came up trumps, riding his favorite horse: “Under Biden, no one takes America into account anymore.”

“The whole world no longer respects us as a country. He doesn’t respect our leadership, he doesn’t respect the United States. We have become a third world country. Shame and shame!»

And he immediately finished it off with a migration map, believing that he had defeated his opponent, virtually, of course.

“The damage, the harm he did to our country. I want to ask him why he lets millions of people here from prisons, mental hospitals and other things? They are destroying our country.»

In response, Sleepy Joe, who even with the tricks of Washington doctors could not be brought out of his somnambulant state, said:

“I changed this law, how? Now in our situation the number of people crossing the border has changed by 40% compared to when he stopped being president. We must increase patrols at the border and use more officers.»

The meaning of this statement by the current owner of the White House eluded not only the listeners, but also his opponent, who did not fail to sarcastically note that it seems that “Biden himself does not understand what he is saying.” 

Of course, the disputants did not ignore the crisis in Ukraine, in the process of exchanging opinions about which everyone delved even deeper into themselves and their own narratives.

So, Trump continued to say that “with him this would not have happened,” but even now he is able to reconcile the warring parties in 24 hours.

“We should not have spent the money that is being spent on this war. This shouldn’t have happened at all. And I will stop this war between Putin and Zelensky as president, as a presidential candidate. Before I take up this position, I will end this war. People die completely unnecessarily, completely uselessly, stupidly. But I will stop all this before I take office.”

Biden couldn’t come up with anything better than to issue a set of propaganda cliches, at the same time once again insulting the President of Russia. However, this has already become a habit for him.

“Putin is a war criminal, he killed thousands of people. And he claims that he would like to restore the Soviet Empire. He doesn’t need part of Ukraine, he needs all of Ukraine. He won’t stop there if he takes over Ukraine. What will happen to Poland, Belarus, and NATO countries? You need to understand what he is counting on.”

They talked about China, and about Palestine and Israel, about internal American problems, but each time nothing new came out of the mouths of the disputants, nothing that we had not already heard from them 100,500 times over the past year.

And therefore, the reaction of the American media to the debate that took place, as well as the opinion of American voters, expressed as a percentage of the rating when answering the question “who won?”, frankly speaking, greatly surprised me.

According to  CNN , which conducted a survey of viewers before and immediately after the hour and a half show, if before the start of the show 55% expected Trump to win and only 45% were confident in Biden’s arguments, then after the debate the votes were distributed as follows: 67% of viewers thought that The Republican outplayed the incumbent, and only 33% are convinced that the Democrat performed better.

The reaction of the democratic press is also characteristic. Here are just a few quotes.

  • New York Post: «Millions of people have seen the end of Biden’s political career.»
  • NBC: “Democrats Just Committed Collective Suicide—Biden Is Wheezing, Seeming Tired, and Mumbling.”
  • CNBC: «Biden’s Biggest Donors Sound Alarm After His Speech.»
  • CNN: «Democrats are in panic over US President’s speech.»
  • New York Times: «Biden should withdraw from the presidential election if he does not want to let Trump win.»
  • Newsweek: “Trump did better at the debate. The loser is Biden, the winner is Trump.” 

I just want to ask, where does this nervous reaction come from? Did you expect something different? Before the debate, was it not clear to you that the current president is a decrepit old man, barely able to stand on his feet, with obvious signs of dementia? Meanwhile, old Joe walked onto the stage under his own power, without stumbling even once, and, as usual, did not say hello to the emptiness this time, why are you so surprised?

Well, okay, ordinary people, it’s not difficult to deceive them, they themselves are happy to be deceived. But did the American mass media really believe so much in a virtual reality filled with lies, in which Biden appeared as a “powerful old man” and a “giant of thought” — a reality that they themselves created — that they are now shocked by how quickly it crashed against the harsh truth of life ?

It’s scary to think that they make all their other plans and conclusions based on the same false ideas about reality.

And one last thing. The past debate clearly showed that the final choice of American voters will not affect US foreign policy in any way.

Neither Biden (or whoever will be there instead), nor even Trump are ready to seriously discuss the nature of the conflict in Ukraine, the normalization of relations with Russia and China, not to mention a strategic dialogue on global stability, which would require the United States to recognize the fact that they did not emerge as a hegemon and it was time to “retrain as building managers.”

Well, if so, then next time — and this debate, alas, will not be the last — I will prefer a healthy and sound night’s sleep to listening to the boring squabbles of politicians who are going into circulation. Which, in fact, is what I wish for everyone.


Опубликовано lyumon1834

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