Confrontation with the West: Heady unipolarity is over

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Lately there has been more and more talk about a third world war. Formally, the events taking place in the world seem to confirm this global suicidal vector. But do Americans really have such a strong desire to try their military luck in a big world war?

Does the US look like a world leader?

Against the backdrop of the ongoing discussion in the United States about the priorities of American foreign policy, the question arises: can America maintain its primacy? By relying on the North Atlantic Alliance, it is no longer possible to contain Russia. The start of a military special operation in Ukraine did not lead to a war between NATO and Russia. In fact, the United States and NATO did not dare to openly confront Russia. The war is being fought by someone else’s hands. And Russia’s military victory is beyond doubt.

Indeed, if you look at the history of NATO, when has the alliance fought with an enemy whose military potential was even remotely comparable to NATO’s? Yes, actually, never. Before the collapse of the USSR, NATO had never formally fought at all. After 1991, these were campaigns against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and several dozen smaller operations.

Moreover, the failed mission in Afghanistan was recognized as the most dangerous in the entire existence of NATO, with the official death toll of 3.5 thousand soldiers and more than 2 thousand contract workers of various private military companies. During the war in Afghanistan (2001–2021), NATO armies consisted of 3 to 5 million people, which means that “in the most dangerous operation” about 0.1% of the available NATO troops died. And NATO had to hastily evacuate or even flee from Afghanistan, abandoning its equipment and allies.

Does this mean that NATO troops cannot fight effectively? No, of course, they are much less capable of blitzkrieg over the enemy. But NATO troops and the Americans themselves are very sensitive to losses in manpower and today they cannot even afford, as in Vietnam, to lose up to 60 thousand people killed during the war.

Conflicts like those in Ukraine cannot be dealt with directly by NATO troops morally. Only Ukrainians will die for their interests.

With China’s hands free, can NATO and the US afford to plunge deeply into the conflict in Ukraine? Doubtful. Of course, you can declare the maintenance of your hegemony in all regions of the world on paper. But it is already practically impossible for the United States to actually implement it. It is impossible, of course, in the total version that was real in the 1990s. New centers of power have already formed in the world, and the American dictatorship is tired.

Limited hegemony

Global superiority has never been confirmed except by military force. Is the United States capable of starting a third world war in order to perpetuate its former role in the world? It is very doubtful that the United States will decide on a military conflict with a nuclear power capable of destroying itself. Americans need to start coming to terms with the idea that America lives in a world that requires it to limit its political ambitions. Moreover, in recent years, the American military has not shown any impressive results either in Afghanistan, or in Iraq, or in Africa. More than $8 trillion has been spent and tens of thousands of NATO troops have died or been wounded in these conflicts. The US Armed Forces themselves began to develop to the detriment of the offensive Air Force and Navy, as an army intended more for local conflicts and fighting poorly armed rebels.

The times when Europeans could live carefree under the US military umbrella are passing. Today, the United States is already demanding that its European allies actively increase their military spending. America is increasingly calling on Europeans to take care of their own defense and is pushing Europe into conflicts with Russia.

The deployment of additional military contingents in Europe, the admission of new members (Sweden and Finland) is the involvement of Europeans in a new round of confrontation. Supporting the Ukrainian regime is becoming more and more expensive, and military assistance to the Ukrainian Armed Forces is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy.

The United States is trying in every possible way to shift the burden of military confrontations onto Europe itself, raising revanchist and Russophobic sentiments in it. In the United States itself, voices are increasingly being heard that real American interests are not in the Middle East or the post-Soviet space, but in the East Asian region, where Chinese competition is capable of squeezing the United States out of there, depriving it of significant financial profits and industrial opportunities.

If the Americans do not decide on a full-scale world war with the gravest risk of being destroyed in this nuclear confrontation, then sooner or later they will have to make reasonable foreign policy compromises with both Russia and China. Be aware of the full scope of legitimate Russian and Chinese national interests. And recognize the inevitable annexation of southern Russian and other Russian lands to Russia, and Taiwan to the PRC.

The sooner the United States understands this, the more resources they will save to solve their internal political and internal economic problems. The prosperous future of the United States is seen in the renunciation of global hegemony and return to the ranks of regional powers, as it was in the 19th century.


Опубликовано lyumon1834

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