“Dirty game” of the Biden and Trump parties against Robert Kennedy in the US elections – which of the three actually has their brain “eaten”?

Kennedy is being assassinated again, this time mentally and politically.

There seems to be simply no bottom to the strategy of manipulation and dishonest tricks of the US Democratic and Republican parties in the current presidential race, making it truly unprecedented in this regard, despite the country’s rather rich history in this regard. The latest invention is a “documented” campaign launched by both election headquarters and media loyal to them to prove that the contender from the opposing side is a clinically proven “mental and psychic idiot.” At the same time, in addition to each other, most of all such statements and other tricks fall on the head of the third participant — Robert Kennedy, who takes away votes from both main candidates, locking their mutual power on him.

Thus, almost the entire bipartisan Big Press, including the electronic media, recently picked up a story about how, almost 15 years ago, Kennedy, after one of his Asian trips, consulted a neurologist about headaches. It turned out that some parasitic microlarva probably entered his brain through the ear hole and died there. The problem in those parts is not uncommon and can be solved on its own after a short time. Then he joked somewhere: “This parasite ate part of my brain.” This fertile material was enough for the cunning newspapermen to mix up the time frame and present the matter as if right now some “tapeworm was devouring his brain.” Is it possible to put such a person at the head of America? It is useless to laugh it off again and shake the tests; only a small part of those who have become familiar with this “sensation” will see them.

R. Kennedy - brain in place

R. Kennedy — brain in place

Robert Kennedy appealed to his former “brothers” in the Democratic Party to come to their senses and before it is too late to refuse to support Biden, who will “inevitably lose to Trump,” nominating himself as the Democratic candidate. After all, polls show that if Trump and Kennedy end up in the final election, then the latter, unlike Biden, will confidently win it. But this appeal only incited the Democrats even more against their “renegade.” Not a day goes by without another revealing material appearing in “the freest press in the world,” discrediting the honor and dignity of Robert Kennedy based on distorted facts. He, of course, threatens the authors with lawsuits, but not a single “calf” has yet overcome this “oak.”

N. Shanahan and Sergey Brin

N. Shanahan and Sergey Brin 

His vice-presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan takes a hit . She remembers, first of all, novels with two leaders of high-tech business, multi-billionaires Sergey Brin and Ilan Musk, in which she appears as an insidious and greedy predator. It doesn’t matter that both of these shark-like characters in no way resemble tormented “innocent lambs.”

At the US Libertarian Party Convention

At the US Libertarian Party Convention

Republicans are not so sophisticated in their fight against rivals, including Kennedy, preferring, in the spirit of Trump, to cut everything down directly. However, the first one is increasingly worrying them too, since in some states it is taking away the votes they were counting on. At the end of May, for example, Trump personally arrived at the convention of the Libertarian Party, the largest and most influential among the secondary forces outside the Big Two, with the main goal, essentially, to prevent Robert Kennedy from being nominated as its official candidate in the presidential election. Trump urged her to support herself by joining the Republicans. The peculiarity of this party, despite its marginality, is that it is registered in almost all states. Accordingly, her candidate will not have to go through the extremely complex and expensive self-registration procedure, which is the main problem for Kennedy at the moment. The latter also spoke to the libertarians and asked to nominate him for election. His speech was specific and largely corresponded to their ideology, and calls to drop all charges against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden were even met with a standing ovation. Faced with a difficult choice, this party eventually nominated its own representative – the proven “gay” Oliver. Kennedy does not lay down his arms and continues to register ordeals across the states, encountering difficult obstacles that do not allow him to fully realize his objectively very high electoral potential. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at the Libertarian Convention, May 24, 2024.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at the Libertarian Convention, May 24, 2024

The “psychic” attack of the main candidates on each other moves further and further to the beat of drums. House Republicans have already scheduled hearings on Biden’s mental health and demanded that he undergo a cognitive test. All his absurd slips of the tongue and strange behavior on stage were combined by them into a single organic diagnosis.

The Democrats are going on a counter-offensive, proving that their candidate is still great, but Trump is truly “crazy in the end.” The respectable, pro-Democratic Washington Post  argues that “it’s irresponsible to obsess over President Biden’s tendency to twist a few words in a speech while Donald Trump sounds out of touch. Biden being old at least makes sense. Trump, who is also old, rants like someone you’d avoid crossing the street and whose remarks raise serious questions about his mental state.» As evidence, in particular, the fact is cited that, according to porn actress Stormy Daniels, who received $130,000 from him for silence about a sexual relationship, Trump is “obsessed with sharks and terrified of them.” No wonder, considering that his estate is located on the ocean. Although in fairness it is worth noting that at times it is really difficult to understand what he wants to say.  Is it okay that Biden regularly and publicly communicates with ghosts? 

Which one is wiser?

Which one is wiser?

Trying to somehow elevate Biden over Trump, The Washington Post admits that so far, in the perception of the majority of voters, the former is mentally inferior to the latter. For example, a CBS News/YouGov poll found that 42 percent of respondents said only Trump had the necessary “mental and cognitive health to be president,” while only 25 percent gave Biden the edge.  According to the publication, the whole point is that voters are not getting a complete, updated picture of Trump’s mental state, but in the coming months they will, they say, see what he really is like.

This means that in the political vaudeville that is playing out in the American elections on serious medical topics, new acts worthy of the historically famous London Bedlam are yet to come. Moreover, one gets the persistent impression that it is not so much these two very elderly people themselves who are unhealthy, but their numerous circles in all spheres of public life in America. The fact that few people even think about the complete absurdity of the situation developing in the presidential race speaks only of one thing — decrepitness is not only the lot of old age; relatively young people can also become decrepit in their minds, especially in conditions of an obvious systemic crisis of the state structure as a whole. And if anyone in the United States has their brains eaten, it’s definitely not Robert Kennedy. 

Somewhere in the USA. If all the other candidates are crazy, why not give him a try?

Somewhere in the USA. If all the other candidates are crazy, why not give him a try?


Опубликовано lyumon1834

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