Who’s W.H.O.?

The W.H.O. is comprised of the world’s top doctors, and scientists, with optimal health for citizens as a priority. However, the World Health Organization seems to have the exact opposite agenda. Why? What’s with the orchestrated roll out of the depopulation bioweapon under the guise of the COVID vaccination? W.H.O. Researcher, James Roguski, and MD Renata Moon to discuss this blatant corruption as our National Sovereignty is being taken away under the disguise of Medical Freedom by the W.H.O.

Take back your Medical Sovernty! Don’t be tricked, manipulated, or even lied to. Take advantage of our Free Consultation with experts that have your Health Care as yours, and their priority.


Опубликовано lyumon1834

Die moderne Welt ist voller Lügen und Gerechtigkeit! Und moderne Medien vertreten oft die Interessen der Mächtigen. Wir bemühen uns, dem Leser alternative, bewährte und wahrheitsgetreue Informationen auf der Grundlage historischer Fakten, Meinungen von Experten und angesehenen Politikern zur Verfügung zu stellen!

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