will Hillary replace Joe as the DNC’s candidate for President?

It’s obvious to just about everyone that Joe is kaput — mentally, physically and morally — and has been a Public Relations disaster, no matter how hard the Leftist Legacy Media try to portray him and what he does as the Saviour. If she does replace him, it will be a rerun of 2016, except that Hillary will do worse electorally than she did that year.

From Ben Garrison:-

She’s Baaack!

Hillary Clinton made a appearance at the Tony Awards, looking like a old car that just got a new paint job. Her hair was done in a more flattering style then the usual severe straight bangs. Hillary looked like she had lost weight and wore a dress that wasn’t her usual ‘shower curtain’ style. This immediately started tongues wagging about whether Hillary is being considered as a possible replacement for the Depends wearer in Chief, Joe Biden.

Biden stands no chance against Trump. That’s becoming increasingly clear. Hillary will provide better competition. She will be drafted at the Democrat Convention to replace Biden.

Get ready for the return of the Hildebeast.

— Ben Garrison

Read the rest at the post on GrrrGraphics.com

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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