Returning to the crash of flight MH-17 over Donbass

Conference held by Malaysian authorities debunks Western lies

The ten-year anniversary of the July 17, 2014 crash of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger plane in the skies over Donbass is approaching. The investigation dragged on unsteadily for years; the investigators, as we wrote , sought to circumvent the facts that were objectionable to those who ordered this terrorist attack. On February 29, 2024, the Court of Auditors of the Netherlands published a report in which the damage from the disaster for the country was estimated at 166 million euros. The main costs — 53 million euros — are related to the investigation into the circumstances of the crash, carried out by the Dutch Safety Council, etc. International Joint Investigation Team (JIT, which includes Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine).

The Western press continues, as it did ten years ago, to blame Russia for this disaster without any reason. Meanwhile, the results of the investigation conducted by the International Joint Investigation Team (JIT) have long been questioned and directly called a deliberate falsification by a group of authoritative international experts during the international conference “MH17: In searching for justice.»

The conference was organized by   the Just Peace International (JUST), the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) and the Montreal-based Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) in collaboration with the UIIM in response to the release of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) report by from experts from the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine, with clearly falsified results.

The JIT report accuses three Russian citizens and a Ukrainian of shooting down MAS flight MH17 as it flew over the war zone in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. 

The purpose of the conference, as the name suggests, was to try to ensure that justice was done. He determined the flow, structure and subtitles of the six sessions. International experts who followed the progress of the JIT and Dutch Safety Board (DSB) reports put forward their arguments to put together a picture of the flawed Dutch investigations. 

The conference opened with opening remarks by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just Peace. He spoke about the purpose of the conference, given the state of global geopolitics, where the hegemon does not hesitate to lie and organize events under false flags in order to achieve public consensus in favor of war, as was the case in the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the invasion of Iraq, where the lies were clearly planned, to justify the Vietnam War and the invasion of Iraq.

The main part of the conference began with the screening of a documentary film by the film’s director Yana Erlashova and Malaysian sound expert Akash Rosen. Yerlashova and Rosen said the audio clips used by the JIT as evidence to convict the four defendants were doctored. 

During the question-and-answer session that followed, it emerged that Malaysia had declined to lead the investigation as authorities were preoccupied with the disappearance of another airliner, MH370, in March 2014. 

Other important information that emerged during the meeting concerned the black boxes of MH17, which were discovered by Donbass militias and handed over to Malaysia, which then took them to Farnborough (UK) for decryption.

As it turned out, the Malaysian government was not provided with a complete copy of the decryption of the black box recordings made by British experts. 

University of Ottawa professor Michel Chossudovsky then opened the second session, moderated by Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Haji Abdul Razak, former secretary-general of Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Chossudovsky said that the US administration, led by then Obama Secretary of State John Kerry, used a version of the MH-17 crash that “fit their lies” regarding events in the Donbass: “Even without hard evidence, they immediately blamed Russia. Meanwhile, the DSB and JIT investigations relied on information from the SBU, the corrupt Ukrainian intelligence service. All other evidence not from the SBU was rejected.”

Then Professor Chossudovsky noted that at the time of the disaster a second plane was flying over the Boeing. This is stated in a BBC report, which contained eyewitness accounts, but which was subsequently deleted. Chossudovsky noted that there were bullet holes in the fuselage of MH17, which was later confirmed by the next German pilot in attendance, Peter Gaisenko. 

The Buk missile that the JIT report states brought down the airliner cannot penetrate these holes. The third argument given by Chossudovsky as evidence of the falsification of the JIT report: the Buk SAM missile would have left a visible contrail that would have remained in the air for at least 10 minutes before completely evaporating. There is no satellite data about such a trail. Professor Chossudovsky concluded from this that MH17 was not shot down by a Buk missile. There was also no evidence that the Donbass rebels used the Buk either before or after this disaster.

Another absurdity that Professor Chossudovsky pointed out was the position taken by the JIT before Malaysia was allowed to join the body that all JIT decisions must be made by consensus. This gave each member of the JIT at the time — the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine — a veto. Since there were serious doubts from the outset about the role of the Ukrainian authorities in the July 17 incident, this meant that Ukraine could disregard all evidence other than that provided by its SBU.

The next speaker was Peter Hysenko, a German pilot formerly of Lufthansa Airlines with many hours of flight time on wide-body jets. He stated that it was not a Buk that shot down flight MH17: “The Buk is not designed to shoot down commercial aircraft, but small fighters. It was not a Buk for three reasons. Firstly, because there was no loud crash or contrail heard. Secondly, there were no signs of the release of fragments of the Buk missile. The round holes present in the wreckage of MH17 could not have been made by a Buk missile.” The German pilot also noted that a commercial plane cannot break apart in mid-air without an internal explosion. Moreover, if a Buk missile hit such an aircraft, it would not crash immediately, but would continue to fly for a longer time. Thirdly, there is evidence indicating the presence of another aircraft — the Su-25. At the end of his speech, Gaysenko asked a rhetorical question: why does the JIT report show blurry images when there are clear and focused images?

The third speaker was Professor Kees van der Pijl from Amsterdam, who touched on the investigation carried out by the Dutch Safety Board (DSB), which, he noted, “did not reveal who shot down MH17, and the DSB itself is quite compromised. Created in 2010, it cannot report on anything that is contrary to the interests of the Netherlands, nor on anything that could cloud relations between the Netherlands, NATO and the EU. The choice of the people who make up the DSB suggests that there was an intention to limit its independence.”

Professor van der Pijl said the 1.3-tonne lithium-ion battery carried by commercial flight MH17 posed an air security risk. Who allowed such dangerous cargo to be transported on a passenger plane? The professor noted that within two weeks of the MH17 crash, the United States banned the carriage of lithium batteries on commercial flights.

Professor van der Pijl also expressed bewilderment that JIT rejected information offered by German investigator Josef Resch. His extensive investigation was rejected. Moreover, Resh began to receive threats and intimidation.

A number of lawyers speaking expressed concern that ICAO, a UN agency, has yet to hold Ukraine accountable for keeping its airspace open over the war zone. 

This conference, held by the Malaysian authorities, convincingly proved the bias of the JIT and DSB investigations, which simply falsified the results of examinations in the wake of the MH-17 crash.

However, Western media and governments are deaf to the arguments of the most authoritative international experts.

How can one not recall Krylov’s famous fable about the wolf and the lamb? “Your only fault is that I want to eat,” the wolf said to the lamb before eating it.

Predators have no themes of morality and ethics, but Russia is by no means a defenseless lamb. They would like to eat it, but who will give it to them?

The truth emerges sooner or later. Europe is simply a puppet under the boot of the Anglo-Saxons. Even the governments of European countries are chosen by the Anglo-Saxons (USA and ENGLAND). If there is still a population left in these countries that is ready to fight for the future of their children, FIGHT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
The head of the European Union was appointed by the Anglo-Saxons and acts only on orders from the USA and England, simultaneously destroying the indigenous population of European countries.

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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