WHO are you? – The World Health Organization


By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

The World Health Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland, that’s WHO.


Its full address is:

WHO Headquarters in Geneva

Avenue Appia 20

1211 Geneva


Interestingly as I have mentioned before elsewhere, the single word anagram of Geneva is ‘avenge’. Is the WHO based here for a reason, if so avenge what? Or who?

I note that Geneva, Switzerland anagrams to ‘dwelt Nazis avenger’. So maybe the Nazis are seeking vengeance.

Anyway, many people are blaming the WHO for many of the health problems today. I have said this in 2020 that Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend should sue!

But what is the WHO up to? Perhaps firstly I will state that the basis of it is as a United Nations (UN) organization. Please note with a ‘z’ as it is the USA which has dominated and they like their z’s over there.

So let’s look at aspects of the WHO. These are my selection of what I consider key points. I use the link below as the basis for discussion.



It says at the beginning:

The WHO was established on 7 April 1948 and convened its first meeting on 24 July of that year.  It incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations’ Health Organization and the Paris-based Office International d’Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The agency’s work began in earnest in 1951 after a significant infusion of financial and technical resources.

“a significant infusion of financial and technical resources” i.e. a lot of money. Whose money I am not quite sure, but no doubt taxpayers’.

The WHO’s official mandate is to promote health and safety while helping the vulnerable worldwide. It provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards, collects data on global health issues, and serves as a forum for scientific or policy discussions related to health. Its official publication, the World Health Report, provides assessments of worldwide health topics.

Please note it has a mandate and that this mandate is authority to set guidelines rather than you must do something specifically.

Or at least that was the original intention.

The WHO has played a leading role in several public health achievements, most notably the eradication of smallpox, the near-eradication of polio, and the development of an Ebola vaccine. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse. The agency advocates for universal health care coverage, engagement with the monitoring of public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting health and well-being generally.

Now here we must take exception to what Wikipedia states. Let’s take the claims.

Eradication of smallpox

As far as I can tell this seems to have focused on vaccination. As I now know vaccination is a fraud, smallpox cannot have been eradicated by vaccination which merely injects poison into a person. Poisoning people has never been good for health.

And whilst I have yet to do a detailed post on smallpox, how can anybody be sure that what is called smallpox is smallpox? That is, who defines it and why should they be correct?

Even the Wikipedia link on smallpox says the ‘…modified smallpox occurred mostly in previously vaccinated people.’


This form of variola major was more easily confused with chickenpox.



Well that sounds like vaccination is a problem doesn’t it, even I can work that one out. Get vaccinated and get smallpox even if it is (allegedly) not as bad as full blown smallpox whatever that really is.

But there is this chart too.


So being vaccinated doesn’t eliminate the risks according to the data and in all case there is still a large proportion of vaccinated dying relative to unvaccinated. Sounds like COVID 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu, vaccines.

Near-eradication of polio

In the USA

The medical doctor and virologist Jonas Salk put forward a promising vaccine and in the spring of 1953, the foundation rolled out a large-scale trial of the Salk vaccine for which 1.83 million children in 44 US states received either a placebo or the vaccine shot.


On April 12, 1955, the tenth anniversary of Roosevelt’s death, Francis announced that Salk’s vaccine was effective and potent in preventing polio.


Shortly afterwards Dr. Albert Sabin introduced a live polio vaccine that could be administered orally (rather than Salk’s by injection), the oral polio vaccine (OPV).



This is an image of the interactive chart.


What can be noted though is polio cases were dropping substantially from a high in 1952. However, after the vaccine trial in 1953 cases rose briefly which would hardly be surprising when injecting poisons into people.

Of course administering a vaccine orally means that the stomach may deal with some of the poisonous effects first making it less toxic (hopefully).

What the Our World in Data link also says is

The poliovirus is found only among humans and is transmitted via the so-called fecal-oral route. In other words, polio is mostly transmitted by drinking water that has been contaminated by the feces of a person carrying the poliovirus. The virus therefore spreads especially well in conditions of poor sanitation, for example when people defecate in the open or do not filter their water before drinking it.

So clean up basic public health and hey presto, the bulk of the problems will go away!

So why the need for vaccines? Good sanitation and clean water are no brainers, but toxic vaccines will lead to no brains!

Even the WHO seems to understand that good sanitation and clean water are essential.

Wikipedia says

The WHO estimates that 12.6 million people died as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment in 2012 – this accounts for nearly 1 in 4 of total global deaths. Environmental risk factors, such as air, water, and soil pollution,

Its own website says

Better access to water, sanitation, hygiene and waste services in health facilities improve quality care and help to prevent millions of deaths

And the WHO think vaccines will help?? Seriously??

Development of an Ebola vaccine

Well, far from being an achievement it is still in clinical trials, or should I say cynical trials…..in fact I think sin-ical trials is best. This is because vaccines are a sin against God and his beloved children.

In fact ‘vaccines’ is an anagram of ‘ace sin VC’. Not a good sign under the circumstances.

I gather the US has helped lead the field in the Ebola vaccine according to this.

In 2014, Credit Suisse estimated that the U.S. government will provide over $1 billion in contracts to companies to develop medicine and vaccines for Ebola virus disease.



When it says U.S. government it means the taxpayers. In the U.S. you could say US or us. That’s you folks in the good ol’ U.S. of A.!

Still, it will give somebody some work. And the select few a lot of money. The poor sods in Africa might not be too keen and who can blame them? I daresay the WHO will.

Only it doesn’t so much blame people as say they are ‘vaccine hesitant’.


It says

Addressing vaccine hesitancy within a country and/or subgroup requires an understanding of the magnitude and setting of the problem…

It is important to understand the context, that the problem is for big pharma’s profits and the jobs of its minions.

Personally I say it is not vaccine hesitancy, more a case of ‘vaccine??? Arrrrrrgh!!’ I mean, who would think of injecting themselves with poison??

The WHO again! And a few billion dimwits who didn’t check the warnings or indeed the ingredients.

I appreciate in the developing world some people may not be able to read but in the western world one would expect people to check.

The WHO’s priorities


I thought I would copy the list. It says

Our goal is to ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion people with better health and well-being.

For universal health coverage, we: 

– focus on primary health care to improve access to quality essential services

– work towards sustainable financing and financial protection

– improve access to essential medicines and health products

– train the health workforce and advise on labour policies

– support people’s participation in national health policies

– improve monitoring, data and information.

For health emergencies, we:

– prepare for emergencies by identifying, mitigating and managing risks

– prevent emergencies and support development of tools necessary during outbreaks

– detect and respond to acute health emergencies

– support delivery of essential health services in fragile settings.

 For health and well-being we:

– address social determinants

– promote intersectoral approaches for health

– prioritize health in all policies and healthy settings.

Through our work, we address:

– human capital across the life-course

– noncommunicable diseases prevention

– mental health promotion

– climate change in small island developing states

– antimicrobial resistance

– elimination and eradication of high-impact communicable diseases.

If that hasn’t bored you to death perhaps you will have seen no reference to clean water and good sanitation in the lists.

In fact most of it is management speak for vague meaningless goals that can be manipulated at will to justify incompetent and corrupt management.

As to human capital, this is the typical dehumanising phrase used to make people seem like mere economic products to be used.

The main Wikipedia article says

Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse. The agency advocates for universal health care coverage, engagement with the monitoring of public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting health and well-being generally.

Let’s take the communicable diseases.

Communicable diseases

HIV/AIDS – this is said to be virus related. But as I have explained elsewhere viruses are not what we are told. Others have done good work and will tell you it is another fraud to poison people for profit.

Ebola – another viral scam as above.

COVID-19 – the current viral scam which fully awakened me and many others.

None of these are in fact communicable, they have merely been made to appear so by manipulation of statistics and ‘advertising’.

Malaria – malaria is related to mosquitos and parasites. It is communicable in the sense that being bitten by a mosquito will inject parasites into you it seems.

Tuberculosis – bacteria related. It appears that a lot of people can have the bacteria in the lungs which are the area it primarily affects when the bacteria are active.

But it says in the Wikipedia article People with latent TB do not spread the disease.


It also says

Public health

Public health campaigns which have focused on overcrowding, public spitting and regular sanitation (including hand washing) during the 1800s helped to either interrupt or slow spread which when combined with contact tracing, isolation and treatment helped to dramatically curb the transmission of both tuberculosis and other airborne diseases which led to the elimination of tuberculosis as a major public health issue in most developed economies. Other risk factors which worsened TB spread such as malnutrition were also ameliorated,…

So really it all depends on the environment again; clean water, good sanitation, clean air, good food.

As to communicable, well that is not making much sense is it? The article continues

…but since the emergence of HIV a new population of immunocompromised individuals was available for TB to infect.

These people are immuno-compromised, their bodies damaged by a supposed virus, in reality the drugs illegal and legal they use or are given by kind big pharma who only do it out of the goodness of its heart.

The heart of pharma is ‘harm’, the middle letters. Mmm…..



It is interesting to note that Germany is by far the biggest contributor. What does it seek to gain I wonder. Of course much of big pharma is Germanic in origin and there are some big companies based in Germany or German speaking countries such as listed below.

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany (2024)


It says

There are many pharmaceutical companies in Germany, the largest pharmaceutical market in Europe, ahead of France, Italy, Spain and Poland, and the fourth in the world behind the US, China, and Japan. The market generated 46.4 billion Euros in 2019 and exported pharmaceuticals worth EUR 83.2 billion, making it the largest pharmaceutical exporter in the world. Germany invested EUR 7.4 billion in R&D in 2018.

In 2020, Germany exported 87 billion euros worth of pharmaceuticals, mostly to countries such as the United States, Netherlands.

There are over 500 pharmaceutical companies in Germany. Germany is the largest pharmaceutical location in the EU, and second in Europe behind Switzerland. The largest Germany-owned pharmaceutical companies are

Bayer Pharma AG

Boehringer Ingelheim

Merck KGaA

Fresenius Kabi.

Other prominent pharmaceutical companies in Germany with global presence are B. Braun, EuroPharma, BioNTech, Berlin Chemie, Stada Arzneimittel, Vetter Pharma, Medac, Merz Pharma.

After Germany comes the USA. Again there are a lot of pharmaceutical companies in the States, most notably Pfizer at the top of the revenue list in 2022.

The top 20 pharma companies by 2022 revenue

Apr 18, 2023


9 of these are in the USA.

– Pfizer

– Johnson & Johnson

– Merck & Co.

– AbbVie

– Bristol Myers Squibb

– Eli Lilly

– Gilead Sciences

– Amgen

– Moderna

4 are in Germany

– Bayer

– Boehringer Ingelheim

– Merck KGaA

– BioNTech

2 are in Switzerland

– Roche

– Novartis

2 in the UK

– AstraZeneca


1 in Denmark

– Novo Nordisk

1 in France

– Sanofi

1 in Japan

– Takeda Pharmaceutical Company

You can see that there are 6 companies in German speaking areas and 15 in total including the United States.

Next up is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We know about that of course and Bill Gates promotion of vaccines.

Then, to my shame, the UK. It is hardly surprising given two large pharma companies based here.

However, the next is GAVI based in Switzerland (funded by the UK at the top of the list, but then Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the USA) followed by the European Commission which I consider a front for German domination.

The World Bank is based in the USA and I see the Rotary International, no. 10 on the list, is based in the States.

All in all, I estimate about 46% of funding comes via Germany, Switzerland and the USA although some of that is other countries, mainly in Europe.

The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

This is the current issue preoccupying many with its wish to extend the powers of the WHO.

Note that the WHO has the responsibility to declare a pandemic.


The World Economic Forum helped raise the current issue.

Do we need an international treaty for future crises? These 23 leaders think so

Mar 30, 2021

Paste link into browser to make it work.


The 23 leaders are from these countries as well as the WHO it seems.

It says

The treaty got the formal backing of the leaders of Fiji, Portugal, Romania, Britain, Rwanda, Kenya, France, Germany, Greece, Korea, Chile, Costa Rica, Albania, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Senegal, Spain, Norway, Serbia, Indonesia, Ukraine and the WHO.

It also says

“There will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” the leaders wrote in a joint opinion article in major newspapers.

“We believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response,” they said.

It other words governments should work together to create the solutions to the problems they artificially cause in the first place.

Here is the UK governments summary of the main goal of the proposed treaty.

What is the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?


It says

The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This includes greatly enhancing international co-operation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter-measures such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.

As the COVID 19 pandemic was contrived in any event the whole thing is highly dangerous.

Ultimately it is an excuse to spend large sums of taxpayers’ money on unnecessary systems and bureaucracy, and all the medical paraphernalia of toxic vaccines and other big pharma products, with at best useless diagnostics and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Note the key dates.

Key dates moving forward

As moving backwards would be rather pointless!!

According to the WHO, the following are key dates in the progress of the treaty.

The INB will host its fifth meeting in April 2023.

The INB will deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023.

By late May / early June, the first draft of the WHO CA+ will be distributed to Member States.

A INB Drafting Group will meet in June 2023.

The INB will host its sixth meeting in July 2023.

Further meetings or drafting group sessions could be held in September, November, and December 2023

The INB will submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024.

It is interesting that this is the 77th World Health Assembly. The dates are 27 May – 1 June 2024.


One has to laugh, look at the tag line.

The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All.

Sounds suspiciously like the 3 Musketeers rallying cry, ‘All for one and one for all!’

This really means your health is in our hands, i.e. ‘You can be sick in our hands – forever!’

I see ‘All for Health, Health for All’ will anagram to ‘Allah Ralf hot fart hellhole’! Yes, that is what the world will become if you don’t think it has already.

I mentioned 77th as a number as this is a multiple of 7 which in biblical terms is understood as a number of completeness. Perhaps the implication is that this assembly will complete what the globalists require if they are allowed to.

As to the intentions of the assembly perhaps these anagrams of ‘World Health Assembly’ give the game away.

– Harmless deathly blow – on the surface it is presented as harmless but it will be a deathly blow if acted upon.

– Shh steamrolled bylaw – there is the intention to force it thorough regardless

– Why smallholder beast – the WHO is a beast

– Ah mad worthless belly – the belly of the beast perhaps

– Be droll wealthy shams – a sham to make money for the wealthy

– Bad smelly harlot shew – it stinks to high heaven

– Yells deathblow harms – it shouts out ‘This means more death and harm’

– Bellows deathly harms – as above

This is a useful perspective from the Mises Institute

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: The End of National Sovereignty and Freedom



It says

Through the Pandemic Treaty, the WHO will impose its own value judgment on the world population, thereby ignoring the fact that values differ significantly between people, cultures, traditions, and nations.

In other words, it will disregard the diversity of people when it comes to making decisions about their own bodies based on their own religious beliefs, commitments, views, commitments, and cultural and traditional values.

It will also violate inclusiveness, as the imposition of a single value judgment; namely, the “One Health” approach, means that the WHO does not treat other value judgments, nor cultural and traditional practices, fairly and equally.

Here is Fred Nazar on the matter

Prof. Fred Nazar  

WHO global coup: International Health Regulations

Apr 27, 2024


I would highlight this from the above.

Another blade of the scissor is the modifications to the International Health Regulations, a legal scheme that was first weaponized in 2005, after SARS-CoV-1, by granting the WHO Director General, the discretionary superpower to declare an emergency, called Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), coincidentally pronounced as FAKE, since all 7 PHEICs were FAKES:

2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic

2014 setbacks in global polio eradication efforts

2013–2016 Western African Ebola virus epidemic

2016 Zika virus outbreak

2018–19 Kivu Ebola epidemic

2019–23 COVID-19 pandemic

2022 monkeypox outbreak

The WHO is in the business of declaring PHEIC or fake pandemics to suit the money makers’ ends.

What about anagrams of World Health Organization?


World Health Organization

World Heat gniz = 13 individual letters

Well first off I say it is Nazi run. Public health was in the forefront of the Third Reich


Here are some suitable phrases.

– Nazi Hitler Otho dragon law – interestingly Otho was the seventh Roman emperor

– Nazi hr old wealth iron toga – old Nazi wealth helps fund it maybe

– Iron Nazi wroth death Algol – Algol is known colloquially as the Demon Star and

Algol was called Rōsh ha Sāṭān or “Satan’s Head” in Hebrew folklore



It is the first star of Medusa’s head, i.e. one of the Gorgons.

Some more Nazi ones to play with

– Or logo nil Nazi death wrath

– All go Nazi iron wroth death

– Zed wog annihilator harlot

– Hal ltd Nazi whore rogation

– The Nazi iron rod a Goth wall

– Logo enthral aid Nazi wroth

– Nazi wraith throne do Algol – the seat of Satan then

– Goal Nazi dawn oh rot Hitler

– What I Rollo the Nazi dragon

– I the Nazi dragon low harlot

Go ape

– Godzilla throne with Aaron

Reptiles in human clothing

– Hah own alien lizard grotto

Universal remedy

– Azoth iron rod angel withal – the WHO wants to rule with an iron rod

– Azoth annihilator growled

– Azoth air enthralling wood

– Azoth ail harlot wondering


Azoth is a universal remedy or potent solvent sought after in the realm of alchemy…

A Zionist connection

– AD harlot late whoring Zion

And the pharma whore

– An aid azoth trolling whore

Summary and final thoughts

The WHO has become a solution looking for a problem, so it artificially creates one at regular intervals. This keeps those who profit by them with jobs, income and prestige.

The WHO wants more power to do so, and then it can twist the arms of those who sign up to it.

It has a goal to protect a billion more people from health emergencies which it creates by declaring them.

It is about the power to control and generate money, lots of money. Harm and death will follow as always.

If you understand what is going on with the COVID 19 scam and harmful vaccines, you will see that this is a power grab to persuade people to ‘Health & Safety’ on the WHO’s terms, a ‘One size fits all’.

But it is the pockets of the wealthy that it fits, not the individuals who pay for it via taxes etc.

I have pointed out the Germanic links to the pharmaceutical industry and the fact that Germany is the largest pharmaceutical exporter in the world.

The WHO is in essence a front for German domination, more particularly Nazi as the Nazis never went away after WW2 but moved into more lucrative businesses.

Resist it at all costs and do not let them get away with this.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. These links may be of use to those who haven’t seen.

‘One size fits all’

Organisation vs. Organization – what’s in the words, and why the different spelling?

Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Switzerland – nice and Nazi?

Here is what I understand to be the latest draft of the treaty.

Revised draft of the negotiating text

of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

13 March 2024

Click to access A_inb9_3-en.pdf

This is a good site for all things WHO and the treaty.

Begging for billion$

James Roguski

Jul 24, 2023


Finally for light relief The Who, not the WHO.

The Who – Who Are You (HQ)

As they sing

God, there’s got to be another way

God says, yes there is, my way, the Yes way.

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