Flash : to be or not to be

Bojo is no more MP but has become a supporter of a Ukrainian Nazi organization

(Ukrainian social networks)

On May 23, 2024, Boris Johnson attends inside British parliament a meeting in support of Azov organization. Nazi militia in Kharkov in March 2014, national battalion of special police in May, attached to the Ukrainian national guard in November 2014, Azov regiment has been defeated in Mariupol in 2022

(Social networks)

The last Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol surrendered in Azovstal steel mill on May 20, 2022. Among them, Alexander Kratsov, Medved [Bear], was officer within Azov regiment. In these pictures, 14 stands for the Fourteen Words, a US supremacist slogan

we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

88 means HH, for Heil Hitler. A Nazi Reichsadler [imperial eagle] is tattooed on his neck. A Ukrainian trident has replaced the swastika of the WW2 Wehrmacht version.

Bojo bears a flag which is displaying the Wolsfangel [wolf hook]. The symbol dates back to fifteenth century, in Germany, not Poland nor Ukraine. Everybody, except specialists, would have forgotten it. But the German Nazis have included it in their runic symbols system between the 1930s and 1945

From left to right : 2. SS-Panzerdivision Das Reich (1939-1945), 4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division (1939-1945), 34. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier-Division Landstorm Nederland (1943-1945) and Azov (2014- ?)

Among the Ukrainian nationalists who started raising their racism as an ideology, after the dissolution of Soviet Union, the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), was created in 1991 and chose again the Wolfsangel as its emblem

James Mason in April 2022 (social networks)

The Western civilization is including other supporters of Azov. Nazi militant since he was teenager, writer James Mason is one. He has articulated his political dreams in an anthology of essays, Siege, published in 1992, believes that Jews and capitalists would govern the US against the white race, that fascism is enabling the whites to dominate the others, that a terrorist strategy could trigger a war between the races, that the whites would win.

But why the hell does Boris Johnson appear so Nazi ? He has never been a leftist, may be now angry. Because from his point of view, the news are bad. He explained it for the Daily Mail on April 12, 2024


With Ukrainian cities once again being pounded to rubble and the casualties mounting, I’m afraid I have to ask once again : why the hell we are being so slow in giving those heroic Ukrainians the weapons they so desperately need ? Because if Ukraine falls, it will be a catastrophe for the West, it will be the end of Western hegemony and we will have no one to blame but ourselves

He is embodying the historical and still vivid link between British imperialism and fascism.

in The footprint of the Ukrainian Nazism in the West

interactions between Ukrainian Nazi organizations and Western supremacist militants


Nazism in Ukraine

its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine

The Western disinformation about Ukraine

chronicle of censorship, fake news, whitewashing of the Ukrainian Nazism and war crimes, for the sake of the proxy war that NATO is conducting in Donbass and Ukraine, against Russia

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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