When First Foreign Reporter Arrived In Hiroshima – and Then Got Kicked Out of Japan


Wilfred Burchett: The Atomic Plague

Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer still going strong at the box office, returning to the #2 spot, after one week in third place, still behind heavy Mattel Barbie but now up to $264 million gross just in USA.

Press coverage continues constant, including new praise and firm complaints (often in the same article). Here’s one hit, from Stars & Stripes no less, claiming the film really underplays the role of female scientists on bomb project.When First Foreign Reporter Arrived In Hiroshima – and Then Got Kicked Out of Japan


How Oppenheimer and other 1945 leaders saw the future — and what really happened

First into Nagasaki: George Weller’s Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on the atomic bombing and Japan’s POWs

Japan lies tightly under the American boot. Thanks to the United States for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons. Samurai are born…

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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