“Indefinite Driving Bans”, by Eric Peters

All you have to do is convince people that their existence is a threat to the planet. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

There is a German word – endsieg. It translates as “final victory.” In Germany, the final victory – against cars – will take the form of indefinite bans on driving them, says the German Transport Minister, Volker Wissing.

These will be necessary, he says, in order for Germany to achieve the 65 percent reduction in carbon dioxide “emissions” of the gas that does absolutely nothing to cause or worsen air pollution by 2030, less than six years from now. An “action program” is mandated (that word, again) by the Climate Protection Act that was drawn up by Germany’s former chancellor, Angela Merkel – who grew up in the “Democratic” Republic of East Germany and whose actions and history prior to and as chancellor of a re-unified Germany indicate she misses her old Germany, where poverty was policy but imposed in the name of a different politics.

Being green is the new red – but one thing that’s the same is the masses must be controlled. You cannot have the kind of “democratic” society they had in the former East Germany with the masses free to drive wherever they want to go, anytime they like.

The two are simply incompatible.

But how to sell – and impose – the “indefinite driving bans” that are necessary to turn a country red? Simple. You insist that it’s the green thing to do. This is evil genius because it uses the average person’s desire to not be the cause of harm against him – by getting him to believe his very existence constitutes a threat. Because his very existence “contributes” to the “changing” of the “climate” via the “emission” of the gas he exhales every time he breathes – and never mind when he drives. It is Leninist shaming of a high order and has been extremely effective in getting millions of people who don’t want to think of themselves as bad people to bow low and accept their fundamental badness. Which entails their acceptance of what’s necessary to correct for it.

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