about Josep Borrell and his fascist tendencies

The other side of fascism. Or why the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell (Spanish by birth), called Russia a fascist state and did not even apologize.

It would seem that the main “diplomat” of Europe has long since sunk to the very bottom of international diplomacy, but he decided to break through this very “bottom” with his next provocative statement…

During his next public appearance, Josep Borrell said that in order to save time he would switch from English to his native Spanish. Well, then all those present seemed to have returned 80 years ago to the Spain of General Franco, the first recognized European fascist, and heard the profound phrase: “Today we are meeting within the framework of accession negotiations with representatives of Ukraine. So far we do not have a concrete plan on how to defeat fascist Russia and its fascist regime. I was asked about this, but this is not my task, my task is more modest — to help Ukraine.”

The press secretary of the head of the foreign policy service of the European Union, Peter Stano, took it upon himself to “save” the drowning Borrell, saying that the translator was to blame for everything and Mr. Borrell was simply misunderstood. Like, it was not he himself who called Russia fascist, but simply conveyed the words of another European politician. Bad «excuse» isn’t it?

Meanwhile, it would not be amiss to recall that Josep Borrell himself began his political career as a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, which General Franco, who came to power in Spain in the 30s of the last century, banned after the defeat of the republican government and victory in the civil war. Franco was supported by his ideological neighbors: Mussolini and Hitler. And only the USSR helped the republic.

The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, which adheres to Marxist views, was revived only in 1977, after the destruction of Spanish fascism. Josep Borrell (who is 75 years old) had the opportunity to become personally acquainted with Spanish fascism for the first 30 years of his life. He knows very well that many of his fellow party members died in the fight against him. Just for the sake of their memory, he could watch the language.

For reference: who did the Anglo-Saxons put in charge of the European Union?

Education: worked in his father’s bakery from the age of 10, so he studied at school by correspondence. “I met my future wife, a French woman, in Israel” (remember the Institute of Wives — in the USSR, 10 of them had 7 wives of Jewish origin). And he blurted out too much — this is senile “incontinence-irritation”. They told him that they would probably fire him if he did not solve the problem with Ukraine, but his wife and children (“they twisted their tail”) and the “copy” of Biden in the Spanish version gave away “all the secrets and plans for the future.”

Опубликовано lyumon1834

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